Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The 15-minute swimsuit caper

There is an outlet store very close to my home.

Surely, they will have swimsuits there, I thought. Probably oodles of them. And there will be ONE that fits and that I like, and that is somewhat comfortable.

But, no.

Store after store after store. No swimsuits. At all.
When you don't have a suit -- make do with a dress!

With my vacation to Phoenix coming up soon, I absolutely had to find at least one. 

On my way to lunch today, I noted that I was about 15 minutes ahead of schedule. Enough time to stop in at a store and look for a swimsuit!

Not enough time, you say?

You don't know me! I thought I could do it, and so I did.

When I turned into the mall where the restaurant was located, I saw that it practically shares a parking lot with a Kohl's store. Bingo!

I parked, went in, asked where the suits were, grabbed two, found the fitting room, and pulled them on just enough to see if they would fit over my bum. Success!

Lucky for me, they were 30 percent off. And... wonder of wonders, if I signed up for a charge card, I would get another 25 percent off. So of course, I took the extra three minutes to do that. I had about 30 seconds to spare when I sprinted out of the store, threw my purchases in the car and strolled over to the restaurant to meet my lunch dates.

That's the thing, I think, about living in your body for 50 or more years. You get to know it! So it wasn't too hard to quickly find a couple that worked.

Here's a picture of the swimdress I bought! Click the image to check it out at Kohl's.
And here's the top of the other one:

The bottom is like a short pair of shorts.
Soon I will have some pictures to share of the fam in Arizona... until then, happy almost-the-weekend!


  1. I totally agree, Amy, that separate tops with swim shorts or skirts are the way to go after a certain age. There are a lot of cute styles for them now. Congrats on being decisive and efficient!! But don't forget to check out Carson's basement after they do stock swim suits - especially at the end of the season. Such bargains!!!!!!!!!

  2. I totally want this swimdress. Might have to copycat your lovely acquisition this season ; ) However for some reason a strap around the back of my neck makes me go a little nutty. Might have to search out standard vertical strappies.
