Friday, May 27, 2016

Phones are pretty -- in your purse

They say there are two seasons in Chicago: winter and construction.

Well, it's finally construction season! Yay! 

The hot is back. The humid is back. The orange cones are back.

So are the weddings, the festivals, the dinners on the patio.

Work-related events seem to flourish at this time of year, too. I will be attending my Kiwanis Club's centennial anniversary celebration next week, and last week I attended the annual United Way Breakfast along with about 400 others.

I am extremely outgoing and love talking to people. That's what you're supposed to do when you find yourself sitting at a table with people you don't know, right? Introduce yourself. Give the elevator speech about your job. Find out where your table mates are from and what they're doing this weekend. You know, talk.

But at this breakfast, there really was very little of that going on at my table. I took an empty seat next to a man who was at least 40. The table filled in with mostly 50-somethings and older; all nicely-dressed professionals.

From the time I sat next to the man on my left until the time we all got up to leave, he was engrossed in his phone. He didn't greet me or ask my name. He didn't look up at all. Same with the guy to his left. At least some of the women on my right seemed interested in conversing. Until the speakers took the stage.

Then more phones popped up around the table. We were very close to the stage where I'm sure the speakers could see that very few at our table were engaged with what was going on in the room.

The same scene was repeated at the table next to mine, and many of the others.

I remember back in the day before texting became common, when people would actually answer their cell phones during such a gathering. And they would actually talk on said phones as if they were the only ones in the room. That has subsided. But to me, it's just a bit less annoying to see people scrolling around on their phones, typing, texting and reacting to things they read.

It's not pretty! It's not polite! Stop it!

Now on to more fashion-y things.

I have been breaking out the spring-summer staples lately, and it feels awesome to go sockless again!

My photographer friend discovered some really cool places for photos recently, and although the weather was cool, so was the experience. And neither of us had our phones out the whole time! Go figure!

Hanging out in my grey Anthro pants and pink Forever 21 shirt. (Same style, but in blue)

Acting cool in my pink sunglasses and moto jacket.

Always have a jacket with you in case it turns chilly or you go into a cold restaurant. Here are some motos you might like: 
Express, Free People at Macy's, Anthropologie

I plan to be going lots of phoneless places this summer -- upward and onward!